RiSoil Day
Did you know?
Around only 1% of soil microorganism species are currently known
Soil is home to more than 25% of our planet's biodiversity
Up to 90% of living organisms live or spend part of their lifecycle in soils
It's that time of the year again! 'World Soil Day,' held each year on the 5th of December, is coming to RIS!
The event is a means of reminding us of the importance of healthy soil and the fight for more sustainable management of soil resources.

On the occasion of the event, the Eco Council have organised a number of activities for the middle and high school students.
On the 2nd of December there will be a:
live interview with a FAO expert
school plot sites regeneration
free dress day, with minimum €1 contribution*
*colours worn must be brown, green, yellow, or black