'Global Recycling Day was created in 2018 to help recognise, and celebrate, the importance recycling plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet. It is a day for the world to come together and put the planet first.'
- The Global Recycling Day Website
Data collected in the last decade has been very alarming, with the hottest temperature trends on record.
Did you know that...

If significant changes are not made in time, we will see rapid deforestation, icecaps melting and global temperatures continuing to rise uncontrollably.
Recycling is a key component when it comes to saving the future of our planet and ensuring a better, more sustainable future.
The Goals (as told by the initiative organisers themselves):
1. To tell world leaders that recycling is simply too important not to be a global issue, and that a common, joined up approach to recycling is urgently needed.
2. To ask people across the planet to think resource, not waste, when it comes to the goods around us – until this happens, we simply won’t award recycled goods the true value and repurpose they deserve.
Join us, as celebrate this very important day on Monday March 15th, 2021, and prepare yourselves for an educational and super fun day!