An issue by Karen Mends, one of our amazing Eco council members
On the 6th of October, the world celebrated World Food Day, a day dedicated to the celebration of the foundation of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. It is also a day for giving food to those in need, a habit that needs to be encouraged within today's society.
Unbeknownst to most, Rome International School has actually been playing quite an impactful role behind the scenes in terms of its involvement with food donations and food sustainability. Apart from supplying it’s students with locally-sourced and organic meals, the school has made it a duty to give back to the community. CIRFOOD is one of the number one organizations in Italy in terms of the quantity of food it donates to the needy annually. In fact, the RIS cafeteria donates all of the untouched, fresh food left over from lunchtime to homeless shelters through CIRFOOD (the catering society at school which is partnered with Caritas and Banco alimentare), a practice that reflects upon the schools values and its involvement in activities beyond the school community.

We are also proud to announce that the World Food Programme (WFP) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in the fight against hunger and starvation. The official motto of the programme that has worked tirelessly for over 75 years to help provide the basic necessities of food and water to the underprivileged is “Saving Lives, Changing Lives”. WFP was able to continue its work despite the obstructions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which actually intensified the need for food in countries such as Yemen and Burkina Faso.

The Nobel Peace Prize Organization hoped to highlight the importance of food sustainability especially in countries with ongoing wars where food is often being used as a weapon against civilians. By awarding the prize to the WFP they hope to create awareness on the situation and encourage individuals and organizations to partake in the fight against hunger and starvation worldwide.